本フォームは、成績評価調査を申請するためのものです。 のあるものは必須項目となります。
1. 学生証番号 Student ID Number  
2. 氏名 Name  
3. 連絡先(携帯電話番号) Mobile Phone Number ハイフンありの半角で入力 成績評価調査の結果は入力の携帯電話,もしくは大学が付与したメールアドレス宛に連絡します。 The grade investigation result will be sent to the e-mail address which was given by Hosei University OR the Office of Academic Affairs staff will contact you at the phone number.
4. 連絡先(メールアドレス) Contact Information 申請内容の確認メールが送信されます。必ず,大学が付与したメールアドレスを入力ください。 Please write your HOSEI University email address. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address.
5. 学部 Faculty              
6. 学年 Year                  
成績評価調査について(以降,各項目をよく読み,確認を終えたらチェックを入れてください。)Please read the following items carefully and check the boxes.     If there is a claim against the issuance of a D or E assessment, even though class requirements are met, the faculty will investigate the matter regarding the registered classes. (Questions related to S to C grades will not be considered for investigation)  This system cannot be used to ask a class instructor for the reason or reconsideration, such as "The reason for failure", "Applied for the grade investigation even though knowing the reason for failure", or "I failed, but my friend received credits, so I applied for a grade investigation ".  Petitions such as “this class's credits are essential for graduation/promotion” or “I want the instructor to give me the credits since I studied so eagerly” are NOT acceptable for the grade investigation.  
申請にあたっての確認事項@(The following confirmations are required upon application.)     Students can apply for the grade investigation only for classes which are officially registered on the Information Portal. Temporarily registered classes on the Learning Management System cannot be applied for. Please confirm that the classes you want to apply for are registered on the “Course Enrollment Notification” which can be obtained from the Information Portal.
申請にあたっての確認事項A     One application per class. Please apply individually/separately if you want to apply for several/multiple classes.
申請にあたっての確認事項B     If you want to revise the application afterwards, please submit a new application. The office will accept the most recent application during the grade investigation period.
申請にあたっての確認事項C     Applications will be invalidated by Hosei if there is any false information.
申請にあたっての確認事項D     In the case of a false application, the applicant will be subject to punishment based on school regulations. (Receive a reprimand, suspension or withdrawal from school)
7. 添付資料@ Attached Documents 成績通知書(PDF) Grade Notification (PDF)  
7. 添付資料A Attached Documents 履修登録科目確認通知書(PDF) Course Enrollment Notification (PDF)  
8. 授業コード Class Code 「履修登録科目確認通知書」から転記してください。Please refer to the Course Enrollment Notification. 入力に誤りがある場合,申請は無効となります。If there are mistakes, the application will be invalidated.
9. 曜日時限 Day Period 「履修登録科目確認通知書」から転記してください。Please refer to the Course Enrollment Notification. 入力に誤りがある場合,申請は無効となります。If there are mistakes, the application will be invalidated.
10. 科目名 Class Title 「履修登録科目確認通知書」から転記してください。 Please refer to the Course Enrollment Notification. 入力に誤りがある場合,申請は無効となります。 If there are mistakes, the application will be invalidated.
11.教員名 Instructors Name  
12. 授業主催学部 Faculty of the Classes 該当科目のシラバスの「学部・研究科」から転記してください。 Please refer to the class syllabus.
13. 成績評価の方法と基準 Grading criteria 該当科目のシラバスの「成績評価の方法と基準 / Grading criteria」から転記してください。 Please transcribe the grading criteria from the class syllabus. 学習支援システムで成績評価方法と基準の変更があった場合は併せて記載してください。 Please indicate any changes in grading methods and criteria if they are changed in the Learning Management System.
14. 出席状況 Attendance Status 例:欠席 ○回,欠席日 ○月○日 (Example) Total Number of Absences: twice, Date(period) of Absence(s): June 1 and 8, 2020
15. 成績評価 Grade on Grade Notification         「成績通知書」を参照の上、選択してください。 Please select D or E referring your Grade Notification. 入力に誤りがある場合,申請は無効となります。 If there are mistakes, the application will be invalidated.
16.課題提出状況 Submission Status of Assignments 例:提出 ○回中○回 (Example) Number of Submission: 4 times out of five.
17.試験日(レポート提出日) Examination/Submission Date 例:試験日(レポート提出日) ○月○日 (Example) Final report submission date: July 20th
18.調査を依頼する理由 Reasons to request a survey 調査を依頼する理由を,下記例に従って具体的に記入してください。授業において使用された言語(英語または日本語)で記入してください。嘆願は成績評価調査の対象ではありません。 Give reasons for your objection to the evaluation, following the examples below. Please write in the language used in the class (English or Japanese). Petitions are not acceptable. 例:(E評価の場合)試験(レポート)を受験(提出)したが、未受験(未提出)評価のEがついている。 例:(試験の場合)試験内容と解答内容,自己採点結果(何割程度解答できたか)。 例:(レポートの場合)レポート課題に対し,どのような観点でどのようなことを書いたか。 Example 1:I received an “E” grade which stands for “Test not taken” although I took the final exam/submitted a final report. Example 2: In the case of an examination, What was the content of the examination, your answers, and your own evaluation (what percentage did you answer)? Example 3: In the case of a report, What was the point of view of the report assignment and what did you write about it?
